At the Cairns and District Senior Citizens Association we have a wide variety of activities to choose from, specifically created and designed to benefit our members.
Our activities are centered around creating engagement for your physical, mental and emotional well-being, bringing people together to form stronger social connections and giving you a positive focus.
We offer various activities and are always working together with our members and volunteers to design new programs that will keep you engaged and interested, while also building your mental and physical strength.
Musical Afternoons - Musicians Needed
Drummer and any other musicians are invited to play at this popular event – musicians who need to practice and others – pro bono. “Volunteering is so rewarding!!”
Musical Afternoons is at Cairns Senior Citz Westcourt for the 3rd Wednesday afternoons in the month. Please contact us - 0498 004 141 or - please share this request around - thanks so much.
Some of our activities include:
HOY with Kayleen Davis:
A great alternative to bingo. Morning tea is provided. Only $5 for Members & $7 for Non-members + $1 a Board. Win prizes.
LINE DANCING with Eliza Kendal:
Come along and have some fun while getting your exercise. Doesn’t matter beginner or pro, morning tea provided. Members $5 & Non-members $7.
TAI CHI/QI GONG with Renee Cashman:
Renee has worked with healing to cover Qigong, Reiki, Sound Healing, and Black Belt karate. Founder and editor of Connect Magazine for the past 20 years. She was a finalist in the 2023 Business Woman of the Year and a writer of children’s books. Plays musical flutes and Singing Bowls. Her Taichi (Qigong) class uses the 5 elements. She is a level 3 Qigong instructor.
Come and spend the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1:30pm to 4pm listening and singing along, and a chance to win a lucky door price. During these afternoons we also have our Birthday Celebrations! So bring your family and friends. Afternoon Tea is included. Members $10 & Non-members $12.
INDOOR BOWLS with Diane or Bev:
If you've ever played lawn bowls, the indoor version follows similar rules, it’s air conditioned and a shorter distance to the jack. So, adjust your swing arm and come along and join in the fun $6.
YOGA with Gabi Daunke:
Yoga is a type of exercise in which you move your body into various positions in order to become more fit or flexible, to improve your breathing and relax your mind. Members $10 & Non-members $12. Come and join us!
WEIGHT FITNESS CLASS with Tanja Richter – Standing or Sitting come strengthen your muscles and stretch your body with our wellness & nutritional coach. Exercise is done with light weights. Members $10 & Non-members $12. Morning Tea Provided.
CARDS & BOARD GAMES with Carol Dalton:
Enjoy playing cards? Has it been forever since you played? well come along, meet some new friends, enjoy a game of Jonola (form of Canasta) 500, Frustration, Skipbow, or any other game you wish, plus afternoon tea is provided. Members $5 & Non-members $7.
CHAIR YOGA with Rike Kullack:
A gentle form of yoga that can be done while sitting or/and standing using a chair for support. It can improve your flexibility, concentration and strength while boosting your mood and reducing stress and joint strain. Members $10 & Non-members $12.
BOOK CLUB (once a month) with Carol Dalton:
Come for a chat and be introduced to new authors, morning tea provided. Members $5 & Non-members $7.
BIRTHDAYS Celebrated Monthly!
All of our activities cater for all levels of health and wellness and we maintain a high standard of work health and safety on our premises.
To find out more about the activities we offer, or how to become involved, please get in touch with our friendly team today!
New Low-Impact Zumba!
Feeling Overwhelmed Trying to Navigate the My Aged Care System?
Need Help Improving Your IT Skills?
A 2nd Weight Class
Past & Repeating Activities
Our "Light Weight" Exercise Class
Line Dancing
Congratulations to our Indoor Bowls group who have won 2 trophies!!